Tredence was listed as a professional service vendor for augmented intelligence solutions by Forrester in its report – “Augmented Intelligence Unlocks the Intelligence in AI”.
Augmented Intelligence is an amalgamation of AI and human intelligence and is designed to enhance human intelligence.
Forrester defines augmented intelligence as – ‘The use of AI to improve a human’s ability to do their job combining machine learning technologies for processing and analyzing data at scale; technologies for automating and orchestrating standard processes; and human input, decision making, and action.’
Tredence has developed augmented intelligence solutions like WordCraft, Sancus and DCC (Digital Content Categorizer). WordCraft personalizes content generation using templatized NLG. Sancus is a machine learning and deep learning based data management solution that aims to deliver reliable data to your business. DCC uses machine learning based computer vision techniques to process videos and images, and NLP based techniques to process text and PDF files on the website and categorize them, effectively reducing the time business users take to review/categorize website content from months to only a few hours.
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